(2015-1)Notodihardjo P.V, Morimoto N, Kakudo N, Matsui M, Sakamoto M, Liem P.H, Suzuki K, Tabata Y, Kusumoto K.: Gelatin hydrogel impregnated with platelet-rich plasma releasate promotes angiogenesis and wound healing in murine model. J Artif Organs (in press)

(2015-2)Otani Y, Komura M, Komura H, Ishimaru T, Konishi K, Komuro H, Hoshi K, Takato T, Tabata Y, Iwanaka T.: Optimal amount of basic fibroblast growth factor in gelatin sponges incorporating β-tricalcium phosphate with chondrocytes. Tissue Eng Part A. 21(3-4):627-36 (2015)

(2015-3)Seo JP, Kambayashi Y, Itho M, Haneda S, Yamada K, Furuoka H, Tabata Y, Sasaki N.: Effects of a synovial flap and gelatin/β-tricalcium phosphate sponges loaded with mesenchymal stem cells, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and platelet rich plasma on equine osteochondral defects. Res Vet Sci. 101:140-3 (2015)

(2015-4)Morimoto N, Kakudo N, Matsui M, Ogura T, Hara T, Suzuki K, Yamamoto M, Tabata Y, Kusumoto K.: Exploratory clinical trial of combination wound therapy with a gelatin sheet and platelet-rich plasma in patients with chronic skin ulcers: study protocol. BMJ Open. 5(5):e007733 (2015)

(2015-5)Santo VE, Ratanavaraporn J, Sato K, Gomes ME, Mano JF, Reis RL, Tabata Y.: Cell engineering by the internalization of bioinstructive micelles for enhanced bone regeneration. Nanomedicine (Lond). 10(11):1707-21 (2015)

(2015-6)Komura M, Komura H, Otani Y, Suzuki K, Satake R, Kodaka T, Terawaki K, Yonekawa H, Ikebukuro K, Hoshi K, Takato T, Tabata Y, Komuro H, Iwanaka T.: Tracheoplasty with cartilage-engineered esophagus environments. J Pediatr Surg. 50(7):1093-8 (2015)

(2015-7)Nakajima K, Fujita J, Matsui M, Tohyama S, Tamura N, Kanazawa H, Seki T, Kishino Y, Hirano A, Okada M, Tabei R, Sano M, Goto S, Tabata Y, Fukuda K.: Gelatin Hydrogel Enhances the Engraftment of Transplanted Cardiomyocytes and Angiogenesis to Ameliorate Cardiac Function after Myocardial Infarction. PLoS One. 10(7):e0133308 (2015)

(2015-8)Zhang TY, Huang B, Wu HB, Wu JH, Li LM, Li YX, Hu YL, Han M, Shen YQ, Tabata Y, Gao JQ.: Synergistic effects of co-administration of suicide gene expressing mesenchymal stem cells and prodrug-encapsulated liposome on aggressive lung melanoma metastases in mice. J Control Release. 209:260-71 (2015)

(2015-9)Tamura E, Tabata Y, Yamada C, Okada S, Iida M.: Autologous fat augmentation of the vocal fold with basic fibroblast growth factor: Computed tomographic. assessment of fat tissue survival after augmentation. Acta Otolaryngol. 135(11):1163-7 (2015)

(2015-10)Kojima S, Sugiyama T, Takai S, Jin D, Ueki M, Oku H, Tabata Y, Ikeda T.: Effects of Gelatin Hydrogel Loading Mitomycin C on Conjunctival Scarring in a Canine Filtration Surgery Model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 56(4):2601-5 (2015)

(2015-11)Gaowa A, Horibe T, Kohno M, Tabata Y, Harada H, Hiraoka M, Kawakami K.: Enhancement of anti-tumor activity of hybrid peptide in conjugation with carboxymethyl dextran via disulfide linkers. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 92:228-36 (2015)

(2015-12)Lu S, Lam J, Trachtenberg JE, Lee EJ, Seyednejad H, van den Beucken JJ, Tabata Y, Kasper FK, Scott DW, Wong ME, Jansen JA, Mikos AG.: Technical Report: Correlation Between the Repair of Cartilage and Subchondral Bone in an Osteochondral Defect Using Bilayered, Biodegradable Hydrogel Composites. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 21(12):1216-25 (2015)

(2015-13)Phaechamud T, Yodkhum K, Charoenteeraboon J, Tabata Y.: Chitosan-aluminum monostearate composite sponge dressing containing asiaticoside for wound healing and angiogenesis promotion in chronic wound. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 50:210-25 (2015)

(2015-14)松本茂、田中里佳、岡田佳世子、有田佳代、百束比古、宮本正章、田畑泰彦、水野博司: 塩基性線維芽 細胞増殖因子徐放化ゼラチンシートを用いた難治性皮膚潰瘍治療. 日本再生医療学会雑誌 14(1): 42-47 (2015)

(2015-15)田畑泰彦: 201年度日本再生医療学会学会賞(基礎)受賞論文 自然治癒再生医療のための組織工学DDS 技術の開発. 日本再生医療学会雑誌14(1): 48-55 (2015)

(2015-16)田畑泰彦: 整形外科基礎の最前線:バイオマテリアルからみた再生医療‐自然治癒力を介した治療‐関 節外科34−4月増刊号:142-153(2015)

(2015-17)古村眞、古村浩子、石丸哲也、小西健一郎、田畑泰彦: 気管・気管支軟化症に対するサイトカイン療法 の開発. 日本小児呼吸器学会雑誌 26(1):83-7 (2015)

(2015-18)Yamamoto, M., Hokugo, A., Takahashi, Y., Nakano, T., Hiraoka, M., Tabata, Y.: Combination of BMP-2-releasing gelatin/β-TCP sponges with autologous bone marrow for bone regeneration of X-ray-irradiated rabbit ulnar defects. Biomaterials. 56:18-25 (2015)

(2015-19)Morimoto, N., Kakudo, N., Matsui, M., Ogura, M., Hara, T., Suzuki, K., Yamamoto, M., Tabata, Y., Kusumoto, K.: Exploratory clinical trial of combination wound therapy with a gelatin sheet and platelet-rich plasma in patients with chronic skin ulcers: study protocol. BMJ Open. 5(5):e007733 (2015)

(2015-20)Watanabe, M., Li, H., Kim, A.G., Weilerstein, A., Radu, A., Davey, M., Loukogeorgakis, S., Sanchez, M.D., Sumita, K., Morimoto, N., Yamamoto, M., Tabata, Y., Flake, A. W.: Complete tissue coverage achieved by scaffold-based tissue engineering in the fetal sheep model of Myelomeningocele. Biomaterials. 76:133-143 (2015)

(2015-21)Toda, H., Yamamoto, M., Uyama, H., Tabata, Y.: Fabrication of Hydrogels with Elasticity Changed by Alkaline Phosphatase for Stem Cell Culture. Acta Biomater. 29:215-227 (2015)

(2015-22)Kumagai, M., Marui, A., Tabata, Y., Takeda, T., Yamamoto, M., Yonezawa, A., Tanaka, S., Yanagi, S., Ito-Ihara, T., Ikeda, T., Murayama, T., Teramukai, S., Katsura, T., Matsubara, K., Kawakami, K., Yokode, M., Shimizu, A., Sakata, R.: Safety and efficacy of sustained release of basic fibroblast growth factor using gelatin hydrogel in patients with critical limb ischemia. Heart Vessel (in press)

(2015-23)田畑泰彦、有本晃佑、山本雅哉: 糖応答性ハイドロゲルを用いた3次元培養基材の調製. 日本化学繊維研究所 講演集. 72;1-5 (2015).

(2015-24)Murayama, S., Jo, J., Arai, K., Nishikido F., Bakalova, R., Yamaya, T., Saga, T., Kato, M., and Aoki, I. g-PARCEL: Control of molecular release using g-rays. Analytical Chemistry, 87:11625-9 (2015)

(2015-25)Kim, Y.H., Furuya, H., Tabata, Y. : Enhancement of bone regeneration by dual release of a macrophage recruitment agent and platelet-rich plasma from gelatin hydrogels. Biomaterials 35:214-224 (2015)

(2015-26)Toda, H., Yamamoto, M., Uyama, H., Tabata, Y.: Fabrication of hydrogels with elasticity changed by alkaline phosphatase for stem cell culture. Acta Biomaterialia. 29(1):215-227(2015)

(2015-27)Obi, N., Toda, H., Tabata, Y.: Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Migration in Matrigel by the Concentration Gradient of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials. (in press)

(2015-28)Kakudo, N., Morimoto, N., Ogawa, T., Hihara, M., Notodihardjo, PV., Matsui, M., Tabata, Y., Kusumoto, K.: Angiogenic effect of platelet-rich plasma combined with gelatin hydrogel granules injected into murine subcutis. J Tissue Eng Regen Med Oct 21. doi: 10.1002/term.2091. [Epub ahead of print] (2015)

(2015-29)Horikoshi-Ishihara, H., Tobita, M., Tajima, S., Tanaka, R., Oshita, T., Tabata, Y., Mizuno, H.: Co-administration of adipose-derived stem cells and control-released basic fibroblast growth factor facilitates angiogenesis in a murine ischemic hind limb model. J Vasc Surg (in press) 

(2015-30)Huang, C., Orbay, H., Tobita, M., Miyamoto, M., Tabata, Y., Hyakusoku, H., Mizuno, H.: Pro-apoptotic effect of control-released basic fibroblast growth factor on skin wound healing in a diabetic mouse model. Wound Repair Regen (in press)

(2015-31)Nakajima, K. Tabata, Y.: Gelatin Hydrogel Enhances the Engraftment of Transplanted Cardiomyocytes and Angiogenesis to Ameliorate Cardiac Function after Myocardial Infarction. PLOSONE|DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0133308 July17 (2015)

(2015-32)田畑泰彦: 第1編骨組織の再生第1章再生治療の実現に必要なバイオマテリアル技術. 歯科再生・修復医療と材料(シーエムシー出版)3-9(2015)

(2015-33)田畑 泰彦: 第5章 幹細胞技術開発 3. 幹細胞治療と再生研究に必要不可欠な組織工学技術. 「実験医学」(岡野栄之、山中伸弥編、羊土社)33(2), 207-15 (2015)

(2015-34)田畑 泰彦:第5章 再生医療とDDS 1. 再生医療を支えるDDS技術. 「Pharm Tech Japan」(株式会社じほう) 31(2), 374-80 (2015)

(2015-35)山本雅哉、田畑泰彦: 第1編細胞の計測・操作のための要素技術 第2章分化制御と組織構築のための 培養基材 第1節 機能性ハイドロゲルを用いた三次元足場材料の開発. 三次元ティッシュエンジニアリング‐細胞の培養・操作・組織化から品質管理、脱細胞化まで (大政健史、福田淳二監修 株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス)59−66(2015)

(2015-36)Jo, J. and Tabata, Y.: How controlled release technology can aid gene delivery. Expert Opinion in Drug Delivery, 12:1689-1701 (2015)

(2015-37)青木伊知男、城潤一郎、Horacio Cabral, Rumiana Bakalova, Kevin M. Bennett.: ナノDDSがもたらす新しいMRイメージングとナノ・セラノスティクス. Drug Delivery System 30: 47-53 (2015)

(2015-38)松本茂、田中里佳、岡田佳世子、有田佳代、百束比古、宮本正章、田畑泰彦、水野博司:塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子徐放化ゼラチンシートを用いた難治性皮膚潰瘍治療. 再生医療 14(1): 42-47 (2015)